We specialise exclusively in quality houseplants, pots and containers for the home and office. All About Plants We specialise exclusively in quality houseplants, pots and containers for the home and office. All About Plants We specialise exclusively in quality houseplants, pots and containers for the home and office. All About Plants

House Plants

Remember that anyone can have a fantastic display of house plants in their home
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Office Plants

We have ready potted office plants in self-watering containers at discounted prices.
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We exclusively specialise in quality houseplants, pots and containers for the home and office.

Houseplant Care Products

A range of houseplant feeds and products to help you get the best out of your indoor plants. We have chosen the items below through testing them ourselves here at the nursery with great results.

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Budem rád aj naďalej Vašim odberatelom. Presne pred rokom som okrem iných kytic bral aj ruže k zasnubam

Jozef S

Tu som veľmi spokojná aj zo zakúpenými stromčekmi, ktoré sa všetky chytili a rastú do krásy a aj s veľmi ochotnou pani, ktorá vysvetlí všetko, čo som potrebovala vedieť a to trpezlivo a ochotne👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼😊Ďakujem


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